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Purple Grass Decor.drawio.png
Purple Gas.gif
Apathetic Cover 3.PNG
Purple Gas.gif
Purple Gas.gif


A Tower Defence game based around Apathy, or the general feeling of being able to do nothing. Fight off good instincts by lazily placing down bad habits to take their place and fight them off. A game all about doing as little as possible.


This game was created alongside Pretty Cringe Games, a small group that has since evolved into a new group called CAT GRINDERS. As with many projects I was the lead artist / animator, with help from Jenna Bidwell as a co Artist. While our expert Programmers were James Peter Mayo and Liam Murray. If you get the chance please do check out their Portfolio's and their work.


Apathetic currently isn't available to play online at the moment thanks to some One Drive Issues, but try contacting me for a Play Session and I'd be happy to show it off. In the meantime, bellow is some gamplay.

Purple Gas.gif
Purple Gas.gif
Purple Gas.gif
Purple Gas.gif
Purple Gas.gif
Apathetic Bed Bugs.PNG
Apathetic Pig.PNG
Apathetic Cold Fowl-der.PNG
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