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Train Test.PNG

A small experiment I did for one of my University projects. I wanted to take a stab at 3D modelling on a larger scale and seeing how I could handle designing a full scale level, meant for a multiplayer match.


The end result was me designing a Mayan Garden City, a metropolis inspired by Meso-American architecture and design philosophies with my first attempt at using the Unreal Engine on my own.


Overall, I'm quite happy with how it came out, but you can definitely notice the lack of shading or texture on both the grass and buildings.

I'll be updating this site periodically as I return to the Garden City, and see if I can keep improving upon it's design.

City of Herons Decor.drawio.png
Mayan Stelae_edited.png
Mayan Stelae_edited.png
City of Herons Screenshot 4.PNG
City of Herons Screenshot 3.PNG
City of Herons Screenshot 1.PNG
City of Herons Screenshot 2.PNG
City of Herons Screenshot 5.PNG
Mayan Stelae.drawio.png
Mayan Stelae.drawio.png
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