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My personal passion project both now and going forward into the future. Kukeri is a Bulgarian Beat'Em Up game where the player must fight their way through Folklore to prevent the old world from dying in the darkest nights of winter, before the spring and a New Year comes.


This game is, above all else something I want to continue working on in my spare time. Developing this game has allowed me to improve so much in animation, character design, art, and most of all research.


Scattered across my work you'll find references to my translations of Bulgarian Folk tales by hand. All that effort is being slowly but surely poured into this game. Although small now, only being made up of a single level where the player must survive for 3 mins. I plan to expand it out into so much more.



If you are interested in seeing the fruits of my research, then I cannot recommend enough that you check out the FOLKLORE Tab on this website. It's where I've posted all of the collected research I've found into one concise place, and is constantly being updated as time goes on.


See early creature design, and piece together future levels through their lore to get a better idea at Kuker's final product.


Kuker Stomp.gif
Giant Walk Cycle.gif
Bulgar Kuker.drawio.png
Bulgar Kuker.drawio.png
Bulgar Kuker.drawio.png


Get in contact with me, Kukeri is still in development but will be added to the Website as soon as it's in a playable state, and I'd love to hear feedback on my project.

Bulgar Well.drawio.png
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