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  • Writer's pictureMatt Hart

Karakondjul: New Years Nightmares

Found in the depths of winter, lurking between the years and seeking to end the world, are the Karakondjul.


Like other cultures, Bulgarian folklore believes that the world rests upon the branches of a great World Tree, one that goes far beneath us and spreads from the Heavens to the Underworld. And for the Karakondjul who seek to end this world, they spend their time sawing away at it's roots hoping to collapse the world around it.

If Karakondjul were not underground, they would be lurking in dark places above. Abandoned Mills and at the bottom of frozen lakes, cursed to wait all year around until they could wander the world in the dying days of winter, before the start of a new year.

This period of time is known as the Dirty Days, when demons, devils and disease itself attempt to infect and kill as many people is possible.

Horrid Shapes

As the Dirty Days are the only time the Karakondjul are allowed above ground, they often leap at the chance to cause harm, and stop their sawing of the World Tree. Thankfully, in their sadistic glee, they forget their previous attempts and allow the Roots time to regrow from their previous attempts.

But, they do not waste their time aboveground. Seeking to cause pain and misery wherever they can, and using their horrid forms to feast upon humanity. Their more famous forms include horned hairy men with giant rotting teeth, half men half horses with fatty faces, and indescribably tall, one eyed one legged monsters that bound across the woods.

Trouble Makers

Once they actually find a settlement, they will do all they can to cause chaos. From throwing men off cliffs to tearing apart rooftops to simply leading people off the main roads and into dangerous places. Even cursing children born in the Dirty Days to become Karakondjul themselves.

Because of this and the other monsters that lurk at night during this time, the locals know not to leave their homes at night, not to travel and to ward off this evil with both Magic Bells and Garlic. Or rely on the festivals of the Kuker to drive them as far away from their villages as possible.

The Karakondjul can cause as much chaos as they want during the night, but once the Rooster Crows at dawn they are sent scurrying back into the darkness from whence they came, waiting for the night to fall again. Or until the new year begins and they are once again forced beneath the ground.

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