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  • Writer's pictureMatt Hart

Water Guardians: Cattle Water

Updated: Apr 13

Every river, every lake and every great stream is home to something.

Their inhabitants as unique as the body of water itself. No singular creature calls these pools home, but a mix of Demons, Spirits, Undead and Fey each with their own unique rules, customs and dangers, or lack their of, to people who pass them by.

And, as Bulgaria is a country with many water sources, it's not a surprise to learn of the sheer variety of things that bubble beneath. But I'll do my best to cover the most interesting I've encountered in my readings.

Fluid Form

What is known about them, is that they often take the shape of animals or people. Local villages claim to have seen giant serpents slither out of wells, while others claim to see fish the size of rowboats swimming just beneath the surface. With other popular forms including Cats, Dogs, Fish and even Salamanders.

Because of this, it's often hard to understand what sort of creature you are dealing with. But among these shapeshifters, one refuses to take any other form, than that of the Mighty Bull.

Water Buffalo

North-Western Lakes are home to great Water Bulls, who come charging from the depths like a tidal wave, hoping to gore or kill any nearby cattle for daring to approach their territory.

Made entirely from the surf and water around them, they are supernaturally quick and strong, and worst of all highly territorial.

Often engaging the local village bulls for dominance, these terrible ruts leave a path of destruction in their wake, and are often fatal. Blacksmiths and Artisans wanting to give their Bulls a fighting chance were known for creating beautiful Iron Horns. Allowing their livestock to properly defend themselves against their watery foes.

Upon defeating the Water Bull, the lakes are purified of these spirits, and are safe to move about in. Although there are other ways to calm these waters.

Mer-notaur Others like the Bull of Lake Rabisha take on a more Minotaur like form, with the lower body of a man and the tail of a fish. This beast was not as mindless as the Water Bulls, as it was able to speak and even later use magic, acting more like a dragon. Legends say that the Beast would demand tribute from the local villages of a maiden each year, or risk facing his wrath.

And so it was that the most beautiful maiden they could find would be placed on a boat filled with gifts, and sent sailing into the centre of the lake. Never to be seen again. Until one year where a girl with beauty unmatched was born in a village beside the great lake.

When she came of age, she like many others were sent out onto a boat filled with treasures, but when the Beast emerged he was stunned by her beauty. So much so that he did not kill her, and instead chose to take her as his bride. Calling upon a Sorceress to make her immortal, and then disappearing under the Lake with her, never to be seen again. Presumably happy forever more, sleeping in the lake bed.

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